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Pillar of Ash

PILLAR OF ASH by H.M. Long. Titan Books. p/b. £8.99. Reviewed by Elloise Hopkins. Yske, daughter of the warrior priestess, Hessa, devotes her life to peace and healing. Under Aita, the Great Healer, she has learned much, though many do not agree with her pacifism, including her twin brother, Berin.… Read More »Pillar of Ash


Dragonfall by L.R. Lam Hodderscape, HB, £9.19 Reviewed by Mikaela Silk Everen is destined to save his fellow dragons from their exile, but when he tries to scry for the way forward, the future eludes him. Feeling a failure at his own fate, he takes the first reckless opportunity to… Read More »Dragonfall

Saevus Corax

Saevus Corax Deals with the Dead, Saevus Corax Captures the Castle, Saevus Corax Gets Away With Murder by K. J. Parker Orbit, paperback, £9.99 Reviewed by Stephen Frame There’s been a battle. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are dead on a field/moor/steppe/wherever. Did you ever wonder who cleans up… Read More »Saevus Corax

Grievar’s Blood

GRIEVAR’S BLOOD by Alexander Darwin Orbit Books, pb, £9.99 Reviewed by Christine Downie Grievar’s Blood is the second novel of a trilogy by Alexander Darwin. I reviewed his debut novel, Combat Codes, for the BFS in Autumn 2023 and was keen to read the second instalment. We return to the… Read More »Grievar’s Blood

A Sense of Adventure

The best thing about writing—and especially speculative fiction writing—is the places you can go, writes Carl Bayley, author of The Souls Series. He shares his tips for creating adventure with the BFS.

The Darkness Before

THE DARKNESS BEFORE THEM by Matthew Ward. Orbit Books. p/b. £10.99. Reviewed by Elloise Hopkins. In the Kingdom of Khalad, Katija Arvish is a talented thief with one aim – to clear the debts left by her father. Debts that plunged her family into ruin. One big job should do… Read More »The Darkness Before

Dr Who

Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special BBC Reviewed by Celia Neri Forget the star-crossed lovers that Ten and Rose, and Thirteen and Yaz were. The heart and soul of the New Who companions is Donna and her friendship with the Doctor, first with Ten and now continued with Fourteen for three… Read More »Dr Who

Rendered Flesh

Rendered Flesh by David Cartwright Level Up Publishing, pb, £11.99 Reviewed by Sarah Deeming Have you ever wondered if we’re already zombies? Consumer zombies mindlessly buying whatever the white men in power tell us to buy, which is usually whatever lines their pockets. Thought zombies believing whatever the press tells… Read More »Rendered Flesh

Wheel of Time Ep 7

The Wheel of Time Season 2, Episode 7: Daes Dae’mar The Wheel of Time Season 2, Episode 7: Daes Dae’mar Amazon Prime, 2023 Reviewed by Steven Poore And now the already impressive second season of The Wheel of Time kicks up yet another gear and twists the knife deep into… Read More »Wheel of Time Ep 7

The front cover for Combat Codes by Alexander Darwin. The front cover is black. There is an image of a dragon standing on its back legs. Its wings come up above it's head then down around its feet. The dragon is a statue and only highlighted in certain areas.

Combat Codes

COMBAT CODES by Alexander Darwin COMBAT CODES by Alexander Darwin Orbit Books, pb, £8.31 Reviewed by Christine Downie Combat Codes is the debut novel of Alexander Darwin and is the first of a trilogy, with book 2 coming out at the end of 2023. The set-up for the story tells… Read More »Combat Codes